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The University of Maine (UMaine or Maine or formerly UMO) is a public land-grant research university in Orono, Maine. It was established in 1865 as the land-grant college of Maine and is the flagship university of the University of Maine System. The University of Maine is the flagship of the University of Maine System. The president of the university is Joan Ferrini-Mundy.
 Gradually the university developed the Colleges of Life Sciences and Agriculture (later to include the School of Forest Resources and the School of Human Development), Engineering and Science, and Arts and Sciences. In 1912 the Maine Cooperative Extension, which offers field educational programs for both adults and youths, was initiated. The School of Education was established in 1930. The School of Business Administration was formed in 1958 and was granted college status in 1965. The first master's degree was conferred in 1881; the first doctor's degree in 1960. Since 1923 there has been a separate graduate school. 
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缅因大学是根据亚伯拉罕·林肯总统签署的《莫里尔法案》于1862年成立的。学院成立于1865年,前身是缅因州农业与机械艺术学院,于1868年9月21日成立,并于1897年更名为缅因大学。UMaine Diploma, UMaine degree, fake degree, fake diploma, buy diploma, 办证, 购买学位, 假文凭, 假学位, 伪造文凭, 制作水印, 钢印, 烫金激凸, 镭射防伪。出售缅因大学文凭证书副本。复制缅因大学文凭证书。创建缅因大学学位证书和成绩单。
缅因大学(缅因大学或缅因州或以前UMO)是一个公共 赠地 研究型大学在奥罗诺,缅因州。它成立于1865年作为缅因州的赠地大学,是旗舰大学的的缅因大学系统。缅因大学是美国仅有的几家陆地,海洋和太空资助机构之一。它被归类为“ R2:博士大学–高研究活动”。

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